The A-Z of email

Email is one of those things that need to be managed… enjoy!

Email management can be overwhelming for everyone. Some people get as many as one hundred emails each day, while others may only get ten or twenty.  Either way, keeping it all organized and in working order may not be on the top of the “organization” list. It’s easier just to close the program and deal with it tomorrow. I was reading some statistics online and Tim Burress, the author of the Hamster Revolution, states that 

“On average, a professional today spends about two and a half to three hours a day, every single day on e-mail. We spend about forty percent of our day processing, handling, filing, storing, creating, reading, and writing e-mail. That’s almost fifty percent of the day.”

Here is an A-Z guide on how you can be more organized and efficient with your email. It might be one simple step that can give you more time for work or family.

Address book or contact files can take time to set up but will be a time-saver in the long run.  You can track more than just an email address when you use the address book or contacts feature.

Be sure to take a moment to customize your toolbars. Almost all programs will allow you to add and delete quick function buttons from the toolbars. This can really speed up your processing of email.

Create folders for saved messages. Your inbox is just that, an inbox. If you have emails that you want to save, create a subfolder for your saved items.

Delete when completed! Emails that come into your inbox either require an action or response. Once you have completed the request be sure to hit delete!

Empty your inbox each day. When you close your email for the day, your inbox should be empty.

Follow up within 24 business hours. It’s a good business practice to reply, even if you don’t have the answers, just acknowledging that you received the message shows good organization.

Goal setting can become a little simpler by using your completed task list items. It’s easy to set goals when you see what you have accomplished.

Help button does actually help! If you are stuck, always check HELP to see if the answer is there.

Interruptions can be managed by turning off or changing your notification settings when emails arrive.

Junk mail can be filtered on almost any email service.

Keep and Toss applies to emails as well as our stuff. Be sure to get rid of unwanted or unused emails, it’s still clutter.

Learn the program. If you are using email, take the time to learn how it works and what features might help you.

Maintenance of your email files is just as important as managing your stuff. Setting up regular reminders to manage tasks

Never substitute email for a conversation. It’s easy to hide behind the screen and not address business situations in person. Remember that people always like the personal touch.

Open emails from people you trust! Always be aware of who is sending you messages.

Putting off simple tasks takes more time to manage in the long run. Things like setting reminders, quick responses only take a few seconds. Do the simple tasks now!

Quick review of emails can be done through a reading pane without having to open each message when it arrives.

Reply all can be a dangerous feature. Always be aware of who your message is going to before you hit send.

Sizes of emails do matter. Remember that the more emails you have in your inbox or deleted folders slow your pc down.

Task lists can be created in just about any email program. Tasks can be reminders or action items. 

Use your signature line as a means to advertise 

Very helpful tools are distribution lists. If you have a group of people that you email on a regular basis, create a distribution list. 

Write emails as if you are writing a letter, using both upper and lower case means something in an email. For example, if you use only caps it can be interpreted as yelling. 

eXamine the processes you are taking when using email. If you feel like there is an easier way, there probably is, use the tools. 

You’re in charge. Setting limits to the amount of time you spend on email allows you to enjoy other things. 

Zero in your publication list to the things you actually will read. We often subscribe to so many things that we “think” we will read, but if you aren’t reading it… unsubscribe!


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