15 things I’ve learned in 15 years

After a very long break from blogging, I’m finally back. Not like Voldemort back, but just back at the keyboard once again.

2019 is a big year for Disorder2Order, she’s turning 15, she’s grown up alongside my boys, like my third child. She has tantrums, doesn’t like to be neglected, demands attention but is also generous, thoughtful, and has provided for me (and my family) for the last 15 years. Like my actual children, she’s taught me some great life lessons!

A lot has happened in my life since the last time I sat down to write a blog post for my business. Most of my blogging in the last two years has been on our CaringBridge site. We’ve had quite a ride over here at #teamspearsHR! Some setbacks, some successes, and loads of life lessons that we all have grown from.

“One small crack doesn’t mean you are broken, it means you were put to the test and you did not fail!”


A few lessons that I’ve learned in the last 15 that I think are worth repeating:

  1. Trust your instincts, they never let you down. You know what you need.

  2. Invest in yourself no matter if it’s time or money. You are worth it.

  3. Create a support team to advise, guide, and learn from.

  4. Try everything once. There is never a bad idea. You’ve got to try different things until you find what works.

  5. Find inspiration. We all need to be inspired and it’s good to have those things that get you excited.

  6. It’s ok to fail. I’ve done this plenty and that’s ok. I’ve learned more about what’s good from me from the things that I’ve failed at.

  7. Self-care is essential. Give yourself grace and take care of yourself. Period.

  8. Step out of your comfort zone. Here’s where the good stuff happens. Stretch yourself and go outside of what’s comfortable.

  9. Measure your success based on you, not others. If you compare yourself to someone else, you aren’t measuring your own success, you’re measuring theirs.

  10. Pay yourself first. No matter if it’s money or time, you need to put yourself at the top of the list (I’m still learning how to do this one…)

  11. Educate, educate, educate. Education gives you opportunities.

  12. There is no such thing as perfection. Perfection is an illusion.

  13. Share your successes. When you do something well, accomplish a goal, tell someone about it.

  14. Energy invested will be energy gained. Whatever you put into it is what you get out. If you do nothing you can’t expect results.

  15. Ask and accept help from those that care about you. This was a profound lesson I learned in the last two years. So important to let yourself lean on those that love you.

If you have a topic or question that you’d like me to answer, please feel free to post a comment or shoot me an email. I’d love to help!


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