Tips and inspiration for your organizing and productivity journey.

Nurture happiness, not perfectionism
Happiness doesn’t come from achievements or perfectionism; it is something more substantial. Let’s talk about it!

A guide to planning your holidays
The holidays can be overwhelming without a plan! This guide will help you prioritize, organize, and stay on track to enjoy a truly relaxing holiday season.

Where to start when cleaning out your inbox
Someone recently asked me, “I need to clean out my inbox and don’t know where to start. Do you have any advice?” A great question. Here’s what I said…

3 elements to help rebuild your habits
COVID has thrown us all for a loop. That’s ok, now is the time to step back and assess what’s working and where you could improve your daily routines and habits.

3 strategies to help you start something new
Starting a project is one of the most difficult steps. Perhaps you’ve got the wrong incentive or you just aren't motivated. Here are three ways you can get started.

My word for 2020
Choosing a theme for each year helps me to stay grounded. Learn about my thoughts for 2020.

Reflections on turning 50
Today is my 50th birthday, the BIG 5-0 and after 18,250 days on this rock, I thought I would share some wisdom that’s helped me along the way.

15 things I’ve learned in 15 years
I decided to reflect on 15 years as a professional organizer and the lessons learned.

Why reminders and gratitude are like peas and carrots
I’ve got a lot to be grateful for and sometimes I need to be reminded of that.

Everything in 3’s
Do you ever notice how almost everything is recommended to us in groups of 3?

Save time in six easy steps
Good time management is at the foundation of productivity. I’ve got some strategies to help you improve how you use your time.
”Stay curious, keep learning and keep growing. And always strive to be more interested than interesting.”
— Jane Fonda